For years, Logikcull has interviewed leading federal judges for this blog, in interviews that regularly touched on perennial eDiscovery topics: the role of judges in the discovery process; the effect of discovery costs on access to justice; the impact of technology on the legal industry. We soon realized that there was a fascinating, robust conversation going on here.

We've compiled that conversation in Views From the Bench," a new eBook that gathers insights from a dozen leading federal judges, bringing them together in a 'oral history' of sorts, a compilation that juxtaposes the often contrasting views of the federal judiciary. Judge John Facciola laments the prohibitive costs of discovery, while Judge Frank Maas describes them as just “the cost of doing business in this country.” Judges Shira Scheindlin and David Campbell weigh in on the impact of the 2015 amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, while judges David Waxse and Laurel Beeler give practice tips on fights over proportionality. And pretty much everyone comes together to complain about “litigators” (as opposed to trial lawyers) and to worry about the impacts of increasing data growth.
These are judges who, over their tenure on the bench, have shaped and reshaped the modern discovery process. If you're a regular follower of eDiscovery developments in the courts, their names will ring familiar, as will many of their views. If you're not as well versed in the "eDiscovery judges," or the federal judiciaries varying approaches to discovery altogether, Views From the Bench is a great first introduction.
But before you go ahead and down the book, you can test out your knowledge here. We've put together some of the most telling, interesting, and incisive quotes from "Views From the Bench." Test your knowledge and see if you can identify the judges behind them. Then go read the whole thing.
This post was authored by Casey C. Sullivan, who leads education and awareness efforts at Logikcull. You can reach him at or on Twitter at @caseycsull.