New in Logikcull: Special Character Inclusion, Enhanced Difference Viewer, Slack Processing Upgrades and More

New in Logikcull: Special Character Inclusion, Enhanced Difference Viewer, Slack Processing Upgrades and More

Ever wanted to throw an emoticon in a project title, navigate 100+ open tabs with ease, or just find Waldo (or any SimDoc differences) in under a split second?

Well, Logikcull's product, engineering, and design teams have been sweating through the dog days of summer to make sure you can do just that—and much more.

Here are the product release highlights for the month of July:

  • Special Character Inclusion
  • User Experience Enhancements to Logikcull Hold
  • Enhanced Difference Viewer for SimDocs
  • Full-Screen Drag and Drop
  • Slack Processing Upgrades
  • Project Title Tabs
  • Prominent Cull Buttons
  • Sidebar Anchoring

Special Character Inclusion

Think back to all the times you’ve tried to title a project Not Looking Awesome for Barry (,’-( or Let’s Jam on Some Docs ‘(-,-)/’’ only to get blocked by the special character fun police. Well those days are over. Logikcull now supports &, /, ‘, (, ) - for project names and &, /, ‘ - for custodian names.

User Experience Enhancements to Logikcull Hold

Users of Logikcull Hold will notice a new hold creation workflow that splits out creation of holds and creation of hold templates and, more importantly, streamlines the notices process — from naming the hold and writing the message to adding custodians and sending. Separately, Logikcull Hold now supports silent custodians, such that users can disable emails to custodians that must still be tracked in Logikcull.

Enhanced Difference Viewer for SimDocs

Last month, we announced a new feature, SimDocs, that is ideal for comparing near-identical documents, and finding Waldo.

Now comes a host of improvements to the SimDocs experience, including:

  • Hover-over tips now display all tags not displayed on screen.
  • A “Compare” button is now displayed on each “similarity card,” prompting users to quickly compare documents. A more prominent “Close” button also appears.
  • Dark Mode is now supported for SimDocs.
  • Users may now opt to cancel document difference generation for long-running jobs.

Full-Screen Drag and Drop

Sometimes it just feels like you can’t miss...

Get used to that feeling...

Slack Processing Upgrades

Prior to this release, large Slack files would occasionally experience uploading delays due to the inability to split processing work across multiple machines. Now, when a large Slack upload comes down the pike, Logikcull shoots it with a little white bead, exploding it into smaller pieces that fan out across multiple workers for processing times up to 500% faster. See an upload in progress below.

Project Title Tabs

Opening a thousand plus tabs in Chrome without it crashing is the four-minute mile of internet browsing, with this guy being its Roger Bannister. And now, if you choose to pursue this feat using only Logikcull— or, if you’re just bouncing between multiple projects in multiple tabs — each tab will now display the project title for easy navigation.

Prominent Cull Buttons

When Metallica brought back its famed lightning bolt logo in 2008 after a decades-long hiatus, it resulted in the band’s best album in nearly 20 years. Logikcull’s cull button, having been relegated to a dropdown menu for months, is, with this update, back in all its lightning blue glory. Draw your own conclusions…

Sidebar Anchoring

The feature-selecting sidebar that appears at the far right of your screen has now been anchored when navigating from document to document, reducing the likelihood of losing one’s place, and vertigo.

Thanks for being an awesome Logikcull user! And remember, you can find an archive of all monthly release notes at!

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