June saw a host of new features and product improvements to Logikcull to bring you a more streamlined, faster, and valuable experience. Here are the highlights from the past month:
Fast React Doc Viewer
Let’s start with speed. As in the rate at which something moves, not the Sandy Bullock/Keanu Reeves bus romcom — though, yes, I’ll work in a reference...
Pop quiz, hot shot. There’s a doc viewer that’s fast, but not fast enough. If it doesn’t get faster, it’s inconvenient. What do you do? What do you do?!
Well, if you’re our brilliant engineering team, you make it faster. How much faster? Two hundred times! 200x! (Not hyperbole.) And that’s not all. The doc viewer now pre-fetches documents for faster rendering, and includes improved search highlight accuracy (which, spoiler alert, also improves text-based redactions and annotation accuracy.)
And you can now print over 100 pages. In fact, if you print under 100 pages, this thing’s gonna blow…

Legal Hold Notice Attachments
But maybe speed isn’t your thing. You’re about power. The power — yes, we’re both thinking it — of legal hold attachments. That’s right, users can now attach files to legal hold notices, so you don’t have to worry about meticulously recreating that document HR sent over. You can attach up to 5 documents per notice.
On deck: sending a hold from 200 yards away… with mind bullets. That’s telekinesis, Kyle!
New Shortcuts and Shortcut Modal
"Shift" + "?" is your new best friend. (Try it. I’ll wait.) That’s right: We have new shortcuts! And a new pop-up modal to help you navigate through them with ease, speed, and dexterity. Now users can create projects, search projects, and switch between dark 😈 and light 😇 modes using keyboard shortcuts. In the theme of shortcuts, check them out below, and that’s all I’ll say on the topic.

Project Dashboards
People love to know statistics about everything they do. That’s why smartwatches are a thing. I know I love it when my little wrist robot tells me how I slept and how many steps I’ve climbed. Statistics are satisfying, except when they’re guilting you about screen time. Then they’re judgmental. Like, yeah, I spent 5 hours on TikTok yesterday. AND??
In the (non-judgmental) statistical spirit, Logikcull now shows account admins a summary of data about their accounts! Check it out:

Now you can really see how much Logikcull is working for you, and it allows you to track how much your activity on the app has increased or decreased each week. Like what you see? Let us know. We want to hear from you which stats you're loving most!
“But what if I have more than one account?!” you cry out desperately, riveted by this statistical yarn. Well, don’t worry about that, because you can just select which account you want to view from the account selector. So everybody just calm down and stop yelling.
Notification Count
Do you, like me, wake up each morning and think to yourself, “I am not nearly anxious enough”? Well, do I have some good news for you! Now Logikcull shows exactly how many notifications you have, rather than just a generic red dot without the notification count:

I know my heart rate just went up! My wrist robot told me so.
Other Cool Stuff
Because the team has insisted on being so productive, let’s rapid fire some other cool stuff:
Save page size as a user preference: Previously, if you changed the search list to a non-default number, like 200 results, it didn’t stick across projects. Now it does. 😎
Slack metadata for load files: You can now add Slack metadata fields as load files, and deactivated users also now appear as an option for Slack uploads. Big time stuff, like my Dodge Stratus (anyone who gets that reference, let’s connect on LinkedIn).
Project settings dropdown: Previously there was just a button that took users to settings and then they’d need to click the tab they wanted. Now you don’t need to load an additional page and can just go directly to the tab you want. Easy, breezy, beautiful.
Want more snazzy features, or a glimpse of what's coming down the pike? Check out our summer launch event, Cull Me If You Can, the feel-good hit of the summer.