Looking for an alternative to

‍Logikcull brings affordability and price predictability to eDiscovery — with software that's powerful, simple, and intuitive. If you’re looking for discovery software that your team will love and clients won't object to, check out how Everlaw and Logikcull compare.

G2 Leader Spring 2021
“Logikcull is super user-friendly and everything just "makes sense. They are always innovating to make the platform even better, really listening to their users about what they want."
Amanda K, Legal Administrator of eDiscovery at American Electric Power
Overall Costs:
Time to Review
Hours to days
Minutes to hours
Ease of Use:
Rated #1
Key Features:
Culling Intelligence
Ideal for:
Large cases requiring advanced predictive coding
High-velocity, day-to-day discovery
How Logikcull &

Everlaw storage and production costs can make it prohibitive for most matters.
Logikcull's flat-rate, per-matter pricing eliminates client objections and allows you to use powerful software on all your matters.
Ease of Use
Everlaw has high ratings for ease of use — but only after you get through a steep learning curve.
Logikcull is designed to be simple and powerful. Its intuitive interface and culling filters let you quickly find the data that matters.
Unpredictable pricing based on storage size. Pricing doesn't include productions, which means you're paying for the same data twice.
Priced with predictability and sustainability in mind. 100% transparent, with no minimums, no production fees, and no add-ons.
TAR and predictive coding for the cases that need them.
Simple, powerful Culling Intelligence helps you filter documents, tag files, and redact information quickly — in a platform that is easy to use.
Why Choose Logikcull?

Simple, Powerful, Vendor-Free Discovery

Powerful software your teams — and clients — love.
Thousands of legal professionals trust Logikcull for discovery projects large and small. While Everlaw may be designed — and priced — for the largest projects, Logikcull empowers you to bring cutting-edge technology to all your matters.

Logikcull is a tool you can use for every matter. Designed for speed, power, and simplicity, Logikcull allows you to start projects in minutes and access them from anywhere, at any time. Its intuitive design requires no advanced training or costly project management. Its predictable pricing allows you to avoid unsustainable hosting fees of expanded data and reduce write-offs — transforming your discovery process into a revenue center, not a costly nightmare.

Logikcull's ease of use, powerful features, and predictable pricing are why it's the #1-ranked eDiscovery software.


Why Logikcull is ranked #1

With over 575 verified, third-party reviews, Logikcull is the highest-ranked eDiscovery software by legal professionals like you, beating Everlaw in every category. Here are a few reasons why.

No Time to Waste

With Logikcull, you can swiftly and effectively get to the root of internal matters, protecting your company's interests. Our platform empowers legal, compliance, and HR teams to uncover the truth with minimal effort.

Get Started in Minutes

Forget about vendor delays and inefficiencies. You can either upload your data or use our direct integrations to connect to your sources such as Slack, Google, and MS 365, so you can start your investigation instantly.

Slash Your Data Set

Upon uploading your data, we apply more than 3,000 automatic processing steps and hundreds of metadata filters, so you can quickly narrow your dataset and surface smoking guns.

Be in Control

Your entire investigation stays in a secure closed-loop system. If you need to collaborate with outside counsel, you can do it on your own terms. Give them access to Logikcull so you retain control and visibility at all times.

Secure Sensitive Data

Logikcull automatically spots any type of PII and allows you to redact it in bulk, across your entire project. Say goodbye to mini-heart attacks for thinking you’ve disclosed what you shouldn’t.

Stay on Track

Internal investigations often beget other internal investigations. Make sure you limit your investigation to the necessary data to avoid creating more work for your future self.


We build products our customers love

More than 1,500 legal teams around the world trust Logikcull for a faster, more affordable, completely vendor-free discovery process.

“Thanks to Logikcull, we now only engage outside counsel in 1 or 2 matters per year, whereas previously, we'd get them involved in more than half of our 9 or 10 yearly matters. That's an 83% reduction in OC reliance — and costs.”

Matthew Gainer

Senior Manager, Litigation

“There’s no other tool on the market that we’ve seen that allows virtually any of our litigators or paralegals to just jump in and go on an investigation or document production. Logikcull allows us to conduct discovery without requiring vendors, IT, or other support."

Anthony Mendenhall

eDiscovery Operations Director
Compass logo

“After I was able to handle that massive subpoena by myself, I realized we had to make Logikcull a core piece of our software stack. It's reduced our subpoena response timelines by 90%."

Terence Leong

Senior Counsel, Litigation

Ready to get started? Get a demo today

Our team of product specialists will show you how to make Logikcull work for your specific needs and help you save thousands in discovery.


Compare Logikcull with other eDiscovery software