As the world evolves, the practice of law must follow suit. Facing new forms of technology, new modes of communication, and new standards of professional behavior, legal professionals must adapt their practice and their mindsets to an ever-changing world.
Just ten years ago, for example, cybersecurity was rarely discussed in the legal profession. Yet, just two weeks ago, the ABA released a new formal ethics opinion detailing the ethical implications of law firm data breaches—the second cybersecurity and ethics opinion in as many years.
Similarly, in 2008, few would have predicted the rebirth of instant messaging, let alone its infiltration into corporate communications. Yet today, messaging and collaboration platforms like Slack are quickly displacing email and changing the face of business communication. That, in turn, can have dramatic impacts on how and where attorneys look for potential evidence.
To help you navigate these changes (exciting changes, we think), Logikcull recently hosted three webinars with legal and industry experts, available for you to watch on demand, at any time.
The Lawyer’s Guide to Slack Discovery: The Webinar
Slack is the massively popular file sharing and messaging system meant to make collaboration easy and seamless. Every day, billions of messages are shared on Slack, as individuals make deals, discuss plans, share gossip, and exchange gifs. Lots of gifs. Slack’s unique approach to communication—part chat room, part knowledge repository—has made it the fastest growing workplace software ever. But for lawyers used to dealing with documents, not chat rooms, Slack requires some adjustment.

In this webinar, broadcast from Slack’s headquarters in downtown San Francisco and featuring a guest-appearance by Mark Pike, Sr. Product Counsel at Slack, we take a look at how Slack is impacting discovery and investigations today. Watch the webinar to learn how Slack is changing communications, the impact that change could have on your discovery and investigations process, and how forward-thinking business and litigators are integrating Slack into their processes. In under an hour, you’ll gain insight into:
- Slack’s impact on discovery and investigations
- Why Slack could hold key data for your case
- The unique challenges Slack data poses
- How creative legal teams are leveraging Slack data during the discovery process
- Best practices for dealing with Slack data and overcoming objections, from those who’ve done it
Cybersecurity & Your Ethical Duties: How Lax Data Security Threatens You and Your Clients
In the eyes of cybercriminals, legal professionals are an easy—and lucrative—target. Law firms are often a one-stop shop for incredibly sensitive information and you might not be doing enough to protect the data in your possession.

When a breach occurs, what potential ethics violations may result? Attend this on-demand webinar to find out. Led by Eli Wald, a professor of legal ethics at the University of Denver’s Sturm College of Law, this webinar delves into the interseces of ethics and data security, including what are considered “reasonable” protections for client data and the impact of the ABA’s newly-released formal opinion on ethics and data breaches.
Watch to learn:
- How not to get hacked and what to do when you do
- Where professional responsibility and cybersecurity intersect
- What steps attorneys must take to protect client data
- How the “reasonableness” of cybersecurity protections are determined
eDiscovery Dirty Tricks (and How to Defeat Them)
The more things change, the more they stay the same. That certainly goes for lawyers with a few dubious eDiscovery strategies up their sleeve—be they data dumps, meritless objections, or questionable denials of custody and control.

In this webinar, we gather a host of eDiscovery experts well-versed in spotting and neutralizing discovery chicanery, including Brian Wolfinger, Chief Technology Officer at Everest Technologies, Rebecca Rakoski, co-founder and managing partner at XPAN Law Group, Logikcull’s own Moneet Kohli, an attorney, seasoned eDiscovery expert, and director of the San Francisco chapter of Women in eDiscovery.
Tune in to learn how to counter underhanded tactics such as:
- When a party produces everything plus the kitchen sink, hoping to drown key documents in meaningless data
- When counsel wields proportionality as both a shield and a sword
- When attorneys play games with privilege claims
- And many more!
Want more? There are always webinars on the way. To stay up-to-date with the latest legal and technological developments and to gain expert insights from leading attorneys, academics, and judges.