Logikcull Tops Satisfaction Rankings in G2 Winter Reports

Logikcull Tops Satisfaction Rankings in G2 Winter Reports

G2 has named Logikcull a leader in its eDiscovery software reports for the 25th consecutive quarter, capping a tremendous year of growth where it acquired more than 350 customers and doubled its new user base. 

Logikcull again topped G2’s Relationship Index, which considers "ease of doing business with, quality of support, and likelihood to recommend,” and also ranked highest in overall user satisfaction and ease of use—earning G2’s “highest rated” designation for Winter 2022.

Read the full reports here.

This recognition comes after a year in which Logikcull shipped more than 50 new features, continuing to empower its more than 1,500 customers with powerfully simple software.  Many of those customers also celebrated big wins in 2021, including: 

  • Worley, which saved $1 million in a single subpoena response by managing every part of the discovery process in-house.
  • A Fortune 400 energy company, which eliminated more than $178,000 in manual review fees and several weeks of work reviewing voicemails.
  • Compass, whose litigation team reduced the time to manage subpoena responses from days to hours.
  • Mission-driven organizations like Earthjustice, Uncommon Law, and the California Innocence Project, which leveraged Logikcull to expand their efforts to create a better future for the planet and bring justice to those who need it the most. 

G2’s satisfaction score is calculated based on real-user ratings from review data. Logikcull ranked number one across all parameters indicating satisfaction, such as ease of use, quality of product support, ease of relationships, and requirements met. Logikcull also ranks highly on Capterra (the most reviewed eDiscovery software), TrustRadius (named “TR Top Rated for 2021), and Gartner Peer Reviews

Powerfully simple eDiscovery software puts control back in the hands of those who handle matters directly, eliminating the need for third parties, months-long RPFs, expensive certifications, and overly-complex and expensive tools. That’s why Logikcull has become the preferred option of in-house teams at the most forward-thinking companies, governments organizations, and more than 600 U.S.-based law firms.

This quote from a G2 review is a good summary of Logikcull’s main goals—to make eDiscovery discovery fast, affordable, and available to everyone:

The amount of attorney time saved on Discovery when using Logikcull is insane. I can think of no valid reason to wade through any significant quantity of data without this tool. It very quickly covers the cost, which is based on the total size of the data analyzed. Also, Logikcull is pretty intuitive, so it requires very little handholding to get attorneys or staff using it independently.

You can check out the full G2 eDiscovery software ranking here, as well as the Momentum Grid® and Relationship Index.

Want to see Logikcull in action? 

Let us show you how to make Logikcull can help you save thousands in discovery.

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