Welcome to March Release Notes, where the features are made up and the stats don’t matter. Wait, no, that’s not right…
In case you missed it, we had our spring launch event in March, where we announced some killer features that are already live, as well as a few that are coming soon.
Check out the event’s recording to see Logikcull CEO, Andy Wilson, give a preview of what’s coming down the pike. Automations, support for MS Teams data, and a brand new AI-powered review tool are all included.
He also flies. I’m not kidding.

For now, let’s focus on what’s live!
Global Redactions
Here at Logikcull, we think it’s important to be versatile, like kerchiefs or Naomie Harris. Unfortunately, one area of eDiscovery that’s been historically un-versatile is redactions.
Redacting can take seemingly endless clicks. Or drawing boxes one at a time over sensitive information. Or — god forbid — blacking out words with a marker. Redactions are so painful that in a recent article from The Washington Post, an HR director in Minnesota who is buried in FOIA requests said, “I almost want to vomit when I hear the word ‘redaction.’”
Logikcull had already made the redaction process less nausea-inducing with features like automatic PII Detection, click-to-redact, and full-page bulk redactions. But we wanted to reduce the nausea to a brief sigh, allowing users to search for and redact multiple words and phrases across entire projects or various documents all at once. So that’s what we did.
Subscription users now have access to Global Redactions, which means they can search up to 20 keywords, terms, phrases, and/or wildcard characters, see the number of documents that contain them, then redact them all across every document at the same time.

You can find a full guide on how to apply global redactions here, but since it’s only 4 steps — one of which is optional — I’ll give you the short version here.
Step 1. Run a search to populate documents you want to redact.
Step 2. Select Redact under your Bulk Actions and enter the keywords, terms, phrases, and/or wildcard characters you wish to redact.

Step 3. Profit. Just kidding, this is the optional step. If you’d like to add redaction labels, including custom ones, you can do so at this point.

Step 4. Click “Add Redactions” and you’re set! Logikcull will redact in the background and show you a status bar at the bottom of the filter carousel.

If you realize you’ve redacted a keyword or phrase you shouldn’t have, you can follow the same steps to delete Global Redactions: Just hit “Remove Redactions” instead of “Add Redactions” at the end.
New Reports
We know we talk about reports almost as much as Bill Lumbergh, but we can’t help ourselves.

We now have three brand new reports available to all account owners and admins: Projects, Uploads and Downloads, and Shared Downloads.
- Projects. This report allows you to export a CSV of all projects in your account to get the full picture.
- Uploads and Downloads. Use this report to export a CSV of all preserved or completed uploads and downloads in your account.
- Shared Downloads. Get a CSV of all shared downloads in your account.
You can now access these new reports in the “Reports” tab from the homepage. Our two other reports — User Activity and Efficiency — are available only to subscription customers.

Per-Project Invoice Emails
We’ve talked to folks who have some thoughts about the billable hour, but we recognize that it’s not going anywhere anytime soon — or at least, that’s what we thought before the state of the art of AI technology blew everyone’s minds. In any case, being able to efficiently bill back hours is important for firms, especially because it’s rough out there right now.

To that end, we’ve improved our bill-back invoice feature. Customers can now add email addresses to a given per-project invoice within the billing tab, and send a bill-back invoice to those addresses.
As a note, you’ll need per-project invoices for this to appear, which means you either need to pay your invoices or have the account feature enabled for unpaid per-project invoices.
Uploads List Refactor
If you do a lot of uploads in Logikcull, you may have struggled to filter them and find the exact uploads you’re looking for. For example, maybe you know you did an upload to Logikcull Preserve, or know the person who made a certain upload, but you can’t recall the upload name.
You think it maybe started with an “s”... Swimmy… Swammy… Swanson…

Well, you’re in luck, because Logikcull users can now filter uploads by “Status” and “Created By.” So, if you’re behind schedule with your project, you won’t be able to blame that sneaky upload you spent hours trying to find (but you're creative so I know you'll come up with another suitable excuse).

Bug Fixes/Improvements
- We’ve improved the document viewer search, so the doc viewer will now return better results (and more of them).
- Speaking of searches, thanks to our new progressive facet loading, you’ll now see facets begin loading as you navigate through the filter carousel, and search results will load 2-5x faster.
- We fixed a bug that was preventing the table on the left side of the document viewer from scrolling with the documents. So make like an old-timey town crier and get your scroll on.
- You can now add multiple lines to questions in Legal Hold surveys, to avoid walls of text.
- Used to be that if you chose “select all” from a dropdown menu, you were stuck with selecting literally all of them. But sometimes you want all but one or two. Now you can deselect individual results after selecting all.
- Date range is now included on upload cards when you do an upload from Slack or Microsoft Teams. That way, you can see what date range you selected for the messages you’re uploading.