Today’s employment law disputes increasingly reflect the evolving nature of the American workplace. In 2018, landlines and water coolers have been replaced with Slack and Google Hangouts, punch cards with computer logins, filing cabinets with cloud storage. The typical office contains an ever-growing amount of information—and it’s almost all discoverable.
This explosion of new technologies and new forms of communication has created a hotbed of new evidence that could prove essential in labor and employment disputes and investigations, if you know how to make use of it, and potentially disastrous if you don’t.
This shifting landscape can be disorienting for even tech-savvy legal professionals. Thankfully, Logikcull’s most recent webinar can help provide some guidance.
Last week, Logikcull hosted “Slack, Social Media and Self-Deleting Texts: Developments in Employment Law” featuring three employment law experts: Eric Meyer, a partner at Dilworth Paxson and author of the popular employment law blog “The Employer Handbook,” Kristin Ahr, of counsel at Broad and Cassel, and Vilma Martinez, general counsel at Avante Group. Together, this trio offered insightful commentary on issues such as:
- The obligations of employers to maintain and update social media, BYOD and other technology-related policies;
- Navigating personal text messages, emojis, social media and Slack in the course of discovery;
- The impact of recent case law on employee right to privacy in light of new technology;
- Self-deleting messaging apps, “ephemeral” media, and their consequences on the duty to preserve.
Did you miss the webinar? No, you didn’t. You can watch a video of the presentation here as well as download a copy of the slides below.

Slack, Social Media and Self-Deleting Texts: Developments in Employment Law from Logikcull