Join Us for a Free Logikcull Pro Culler Certification Training

Join Us for a Free Logikcull Pro Culler Certification Training

Are you equipped with the skill, knowledge and technology to handle modern discovery, securely, effectively, and on-budget? Logikcull's Culler Certification is the badge that says, “Yes, I am.”

Pro Culler Certification is the newest level of certification from Logikcull. Pro Cullers can maximize Logikcull’s full capability. They can create file, cloud, and database uploads; customize reviews; filter documents through complex searches; and create custom production specifications and load files.

Unlike most certifications, which measure your ability to pass an exam, the Culler Certification exam requires you to perform activities within the context of active discovery projects, providing proof of hands-on experience.

Prove You're a Pro With Pro Culler Certification

If you qualify for Pro Culler Certification, we want to give you a headstart on the exam. Join us for a free exam prep and training session with Logikcull's own "Chuck Norris of eDiscovery," Jury Joves, as he sets you up for success.

This training session will include:

  • An introduction to Logikcull’s Culler Certification program
  • Tactical guidance for passing the Pro Culler exam
  • Best practices for instant discovery upload, search, review, and production
  • Q&A with Logikcull’s certification chair, Jury Joves (13+ years of hands-on eDiscovery experience)


Not ready for Pro certification? Start off with Culler Certification. Learn more here.

And if you can't make it, don't worry. You can register anyway and we'll send you a recording afterward!

Want to see Logikcull in action? 

Let us show you how to make Logikcull can help you save thousands in discovery.

Want to see Logikcull in action? Let's chat.

Our team of product specialists will show you how to make Logikcull work for your specific needs and help you save thousands in records requests, subpoenas, and general discovery.