As we navigate this difficult and unsettling period together, we just want to pass on a quick word of encouragement and some resources that might be helpful. We also want to be mindful that you’re being bombarded with messages like this. So, if you don’t get further than this paragraph, just let us say: you’re going to get through this -- and we’ll do our best to help.
Below, you'll find some Logikcull-specific productivity tips that may be helpful should you find yourself working from home or remotely, which may entail using unfamiliar or personal devices, being apart from colleagues, or working from a location with different network and bandwidth options. If you don’t find the appropriate resources below, please email or and we'll be in touch as soon as possible.
Support Options
Logikcull will continue to offer 24/7 support in-app, email and phone support. If you have any questions about the basics of how to use the software, we’d encourage you to first consult the following options:
Logikcull FAQ
Logikcull On-Demand Training
If you’re unable to find a solution through the links above, feel free to start an in-app chat with us at any time. Our Customer Success team is available to answer your questions and help solve your challenges around the clock.

Collaboration Features
If you need to work on projects with other colleagues, whether they’re near you or not, you might consider referencing the following collaborative features.
Adding New Users: Colleagues can be added at the account or project level. For a quick tutorial and list of user permissions by role, consult this article.
Comments and Tagging: Logikcull’s comment feature allows you to tag colleagues as you would on social media using the @ sign. No other steps are required. They’ll be notified by email and can jump straight to the relevant document. Check out this article to learn more.
URL Sharing: You can also share documents and even saved searches simply be passing the unique app URL to your colleagues. Don’t worry -- only colleagues with the proper roles and permissions will be able to access the documents.
Batch Out Review Sets: You might be working from home, but you don’t have to work alone. Saved searches can be split into review sets and distributed to your team. Here’s how to do it.
Activity Reporting: What’s been done and by who? If you can’t ask the person sitting beside you, try consulting the “Activity” section at the bottom of the “Document Information” tab on each document. Here you’ll find what, if any, work product has been applied, and by who.

ShareSafe and InstantReview: There are a number of ways to share document sets and productions with opposing or outside parties, or internally. We recommend using ShareSafe to securely share downloads with those who don’t have access to your project. Alternatively, some users leverage the InstantReview feature to QC production sets before sending out the door.
Devices and Browser Settings
If you find yourself using Logikcull from a new device or browser, you should know that, in general, the app is browser and device agnostic. That said, most users prefer Google Chrome for optimal performance. You can download the latest version for free here. A full list of supported browsers is available here.
If you are working from an iOS or Android phone or tablet, consider familiarizing yourself with Logikcull gesture controls. You can also watch a quick tutorial of how to upload data from a smart phone here.

Continuing Education
Logikcull training is available 24/7, on-demand. You can access webinars on uploads, search and review, productions and more here. If you have some down time and are seeking more general education, you can check out Logikcull’s white papers, eBooks, and webinars any time at our resource center, and stay up-to-date on the latest developments by subscribing to our blog.
Business Continuity
As a cloud-native app with a high degree of redundancy and geographic failover, we expect to deliver 100% uptime in any environment. That said, you can always keep tabs on system performance and subscribe to availability updates at
Inexpensive Productivity Tools
As a primarily remote company, we have a lot of experience with collaboration and communication tools that may be helpful. Here are a few of our favorites.
Asana for project management: A platform teams use to stay focused on goals, projects, and daily tasks. It’s a favorite of our design and marketing teams.
Slack for chat: An all-in-one app for company-wide, group, and 1:1 communication, collaboration and filing sharing. It’s a Logikcull staple.
Zoom for video: Spin up a face-to-face meeting, conference room or phone line on the fly. You can sign up for the free plan here.
Have other suggestions, questions, or comments? Let us know at We’ll be here.
Peace and love,
The Logikcull Team