Now Available: Webinar on Ransomware and the Future of Law Firm Cybersecurity

Now Available: Webinar on Ransomware and the Future of Law Firm Cybersecurity

As the legal industry is becoming increasingly aware, law firms are prime targets for cyberattacks. After all, they gather together clients’ most sensitive information, often with less-than-stellar protections. In 2016, we saw case after case of hackers targeting firms, from the breach of two major firms revealed last March, to the Panama Papers leak last April. But if last year was the “year of the legal breach,” this summer has been the “summer of ransomware.”

In the past months, we’ve seen to massive, world-wide ransomware attacks, including one headline-making attack that shuttered one of the nation’s largest firms. But this isn’t just an issue that impacts the biggest firms -- cyberattacks can impact firms and businesses of any size, with devastating effects. Indeed, as we’ll learn, they already are.

Yesterday, Logikcull hosted a webinar addressing just these risks. Featuring Brian C. Focht, an attorney specializing in general liability litigation including professional liability defense, and Olga V. Mack, general counsel at ClearSlide, the presentation covered the recent history of law firm cyberattacks, the role cyberinsurance plays in protecting against such attacks, and ways law firms and corporate clients can help protect themselves.

If you couldn’t make the event, or simply want to relive the magic, now you can. A recording of the webinar is available below, along with the slides used.

Protecting Against Petya: Ransomware and the Future of Law Firm Cybersecurity.

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